Looking for interesting textures? Explore the thousands of possible images created with MandleAcid and save your favorites as PICT files for use in other art programs. Entertained by weird animation? MandleAcid generates wildly kinetic images with color sets (called Flashbacks) that you can change AS YOU WATCH using the up/down arrows on your keyboard. Best of all, MandleAcid 2.0 is FREEWARE! Enjoy it guilt-free and copy it for your friends. All that I ask is that you don't alter the program files in any way. MandleAcid may not be included in any software compilations or be offered for sale without my explicit permission. NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 2.0: (A) Up to 1011 by 1011 pixel images (fills 14" or smaller screen) (B) INSTANT rendering (no more waiting!) (C) Saves your image as a PICT file (automatically adjusts PICT size to the image.) (D) Rotation and reflection controls (with mind-altering results) (E) New source images to explore (of course!)